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Focusrite Saffire Pro 40

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Focusrite Saffire Pro 40

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Availability: Out of stock


Quick Overview

Now With FREE Softube Plug-ins

The Focusrite Saffire PRO 40 represents the new generation of Focusrite multi-channel firewire audio interfaces...


Download the Softube Time and Tone Pack for free from their download area on; valid with all registered purchases of Focusrite Scarlett, Saffire, and Clarett Interfaces that were made on or after September 1st, 2015


Softube Time and Tone Pack is a unique plug-in bundle (valued at $198), which includes three of Softube’s
world class plug-ins: a reverb, a delay and a distortion:
TSAR-1R: Add space, depth and width to your sound—TSAR-1R is a reverb plug-in with world class sound
and extreme ease of use. With a single slider, you can take TSAR-1R from realistic and three-dimensional
rooms to dramatic and dreamlike halls. 
Tube Delay: A tasty echo effect that can go from clean to rude by overdriving its three modeled tube stages.
Create anything from realistic room echoes to rockabilly style slapbacks—or take it all the way into dub
reggae echo madness.
Saturation Knob: Add grit and warmth to any sound source with this modeled output distortion unit. Use
it to fatten up bass lines, add some harmonics and shimmer to vocals, or simply destroy your drum loop.
Simply turn up the knob to add saturation, and use the three-position switch to alter the distortion character.



The Focusrite Saffire PRO 40 represents the new generation of Focusrite multi-channel firewire audio interfaces. It is the best sounding interface in its class; attentively designed with today’s project studio in mind.Focusrite's unparalleled pre-amp legacy forms the foundation of this new interface, with eight award-winning Focusrite pre-amps. These are combined with the very latest in firewire interfacing technology to deliver seamless integration, excellent routing flexibility and future-proof, rock-solid driver stability.

With Saffire PRO 40, sonic integrity reigns supreme. The eight Focusite pre-amps ensure low noise and distortion, whilst quality digital conversion and JetPLL™ jitter elimination technology ensure pristine audio quality as your audio flows between the analogue and digital domains. Alongside the eight Focusrite pre-amps are a host of i/o options; 10 analogue outputs, ADAT i/o, stereo SPDIF i/o and 2 virtual ‘loopback’ inputs for routing digital audio between software applications. Every channel features phantom power, with the first two channels also featuring -9dB pads for additional headroom. Front panel 5-LED metering for each analogue input offers accurate viewing of levels.

Saffire PRO 40 comes with the Focusrite plug-in suite. All-new Focusrite Compression, Reverb, Gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins provide a significant upgrade from standard sequencer effects, bringing a touch of class to your session. Focusrite’s established Xcite+ bundle is also included. The bundle includes Ableton Live Lite, Novation’s Bass Station soft synth and over 1 gig of royalty-free samples. Saffire PRO 40 Control, the zero-latency 18 x 16 DSP Mixer/Router software provided with Saffire PRO 40, sets a new standard at this price point for audio interface control. It features unparalleled output routing and monitoring, as well as intuitive one-click solutions, a clear and concise mixing layout and large on-screen metering for inputs, outputs and submixes.

Two independent headphone buses are provided, each with their own level controls available on the front panel. A dedicated stereo monitor mix output features pads for improved sound quality when connected to active monitor speakers. An 'anti-thump' circuit protects your monitor speakers from spikes when booting up or shutting down. Front panel controls include a main monitor dial with dim and mute switches, all of which fully integrate with customisable software to cover every possible monitoring need, providing a set of controls for any set-up from basic stereo to full 7.1 surround.


Main Features:

    • Eight High Quality Award-winning Focusrite Pre-amps

      The best sounding interface in its class. Focusrite's unparalleled pre-amp legacy forms the foundation of this new interface, with eight award-winning Focusrite pre-amps.

    • High Quality 24-bit/96kHz Firewire Interface

      Features high quality A-D / D-A conversion and JetPLL™ jitter elimination technology; pristine audio quality and reliable synchronisation are guaranteed.

    • Total I/O Count of 20 Inputs and 20 Outputs

      A host of i/o options are provided*, including a unique loop-back facility for routing audio between software applications via Saffire PRO 40 Control.

    • The Focusrite Plug-in Suite

      Upgrade your standard sequencer effects and bring a touch of class to your session with all-new Focusrite Compression, Reverb, Gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins.

    • Two separate headphone buses

      Two artists can receive independent and fully customised monitor mixes. Each output has an independent level control available on the front panel.

    • Saffire PRO 40 Control Zero-latency DSP Mixer/Router

      Routing flexibility and intuitive one-click set-up solutions; Saffire PRO 40 Control provides an 18 x 16 DSP mixer with excellent output routing and monitoring capabilities.

    • Unmatched routing flexibility

      Saffire PRO 40 is the most flexible interface in its class, able to adapt to any recording session quickly and intuitively. The user is able to route any input signal or DAW output, or a mix of both, to any of the 20 outputs.








Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (32 bit and 64 bit) and Windows Vista (32 bit and 64 bit - an update is required for use with Vista 64. This can be downloaded from here.



900MHz AMD or Pentium. (1.5 GHz or higher recommended)

Memory (RAM)

512 MB (more recommended)



Operating System

OSX (10.4 and 10.5)



PowerPC G4/Dual 1 GHZ or faster or any Intel-based Mac


Memory (RAM)

512 MB (more recommended)




Microphone Inputs

    • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1 dB
    • THD+N: 0.001% (measured at 1kHz with a 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
    • Noise: EIN > 125dB (128dB analogue to digital) (measured at 60dB of gain with 150 Ohm termination (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)

Line Inputs

    • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
    • THD+N: < 0.001% (measured with 0dBFS input and 22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
    • Noise: -90dBu (22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)

Instrument Inputs

    • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
    • THD+N: 0.004% (measured with 0dBu input and 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
    • Noise: -87dBu (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)

Conversion performance

    • Dynamic Range = 110dB (A-wieghted)
    • Clock jitter < 250 picoseconds
    • THD+N AMPL = -109dBFS 'A' weighted

Front and Rear Connectivity


Analogue Channel Inputs (Inputs 1-8)

    • 2 Mic/Line/Inst Combo XLR (Inputs 1 and 2)
    • 6 Mic/Line Combo XLR (Inputs 3-8)
    • Automatic switching of Mic / Line (e.g. inserting a jack switches from Mic to either Line or Instrument)

Digital Channel Inputs (Inputs 9-18) 44.1-96kHz 

    • Stereo S/PDIF input on RCA
    • 8 ADAT inputs on Optical Connector, reduces to 4 inputs at 88.2/96kHz • Optical input can be switched to S/PDIF 3/4 in software preferences (ADATs disabled)

Analogue Audio Outputs (Outputs 1-10)

    • 8 ¼” TRS Jack (Outputs 3-10)
    • 2 monitor mix outputs on ¼” TRS Jack (Outputs 1 and 2)
    • Stereo headphones mix 1 on ¼” TRS (also routed to outputs 7 & 8)
    • Stereo Headphones mix 2 on ¼” TRS (also routed to outputs 9 & 10)

Digital Channel Outputs (Outputs 11-20) 44.1-96kHz

    • Stereo S/PDIF output on RCA
    • 8 ADAT outputs on Optical Connector, reduces to 4 outputs at 88.2/96kHz • Optical output can be switched to S/PDIF 3/4 in software preferences (ADATs disabled)

Other I/O

    • 2 6-pin Firewire sockets
    • 2 Standard 5-pin DIN MIDI connectors: In and Out
    • IEC mains power input connector

Weight and Dims

    • 3kg / 6.6Ibs
    • 482mm / 19" (W) x 45mm / 1.8" (H) x 265mm /10.4" (D)