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T-Rex Gull Triple Voice Wah Pedal

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Availability: Out of stock


Quick Overview

Along with distortion and delay, the wah-wah is part of the “Holy Trinity” of classic guitar effects. Invented by accident in the 1960s, the wah-wah can make a guitar sing, laugh, ...

Along with distortion and delay, the wah-wah is part of the “Holy Trinity” of classic guitar effects. Invented by accident in the 1960s, the wah-wah can make a guitar sing, laugh, cry and scream like human being. It’s a powerful effect that’s helped take solos by Hendrix, Clapton and a thousand guitarists since to the highest echelons of classic rockdom. Now, T-Rex is proud to introduce Gull, our own interpretation of the wah-wah legend.

Two wahs and the long-forgotten yoy

Many of the wah-wah pedals produced over the decades are very different from each other. And then there are related effects – like the underrated (we think) yoy-yoy pedal. When we designed Gull, we wanted to bring you the very best that history has to offer – and then some.

Gull gives you two distinct wah-wah sounds – a light wah that’s great for clean guitars and rhythm parts and a heavy, smoking wah for distorted leads – plus the unique dual-filter yoy-yoy effect. Yoy-yoy is a basically a wah effect with an ultra-high-frequency sweep soaring overhead. It’s an incredibly rich sound.

A classic SLOPE knob lets you shape the character of your way/yoy sweep, and a BOOST function lets you set a higher volume for your output signal when you kick your Gull into action.

A more musical wah

With Gull, we also wanted to address a complaint many guitarists have with traditional wah-wah pedals: their response. Wah-wahs often jump into action at the slightest touch, leaving little room to work the pedal and build up slowly.

Gull addresses this with a special HOTSPOT button that gives you the option of slowing the onset of the effect and using the whole pedal to “wah” with. It makes Gull respond more like a musical instrument than many legacy pedals do.

We truly believe that the T-Rex Gull is the wah-wah the world’s been waiting for. Try it today at your local music store.
